Manning the Q
Let's get to the meat on the bone
The point of a Hustle is not just to feel the satisfaction of accomplishment, it’s about feeding the soul.
Meat the Manning Men
Meet Dad, Jon and Chris—the men who man the Manning the Q account. Most weekends you’ll find at least one of these three guys shopping the local meat markets and spending hours upon hours brining, rubbing, smoking, wrapping, unwrapping and, eventually, sharing meat masterpieces with their families and the internet. How does a meat smoking addiction become a family Instagram account you ask? Well, it all started with the need for an escape from the everyday. And for Chris and Jon, this was as simple as spending some time in their backyards with a couple Weber Smokey Mountain cookers. With a texting habit similar to two high school besties, it didn’t take long for the over share of meat pics to encourage an upping of the ante with new recipes and smokers. Jon invested in a Traegar Pro Series 34, and in a total tit-for-tat move, Chris did the same. Shortly after the Instagram account was created to document their smoking journey, Dad joined in with a Traeger Century 22."In the end, it's about spending time with family. But there's a whole process involved before we get to just sit down and eat."
For the love of meat
For the love of meat If you’re going to ask Jon about his meat smoking process, get ready. He’ll talk your ear off. For something that was originally intended to provide a different creative outlet than the workplace, smoking meat has become more like an obsession than a hobby. By discovering the world of smoked meat, Jon also discovered a whole culture that surrounds it. “The BBQ community in Edmonton is awesome. I’ve made tons of friends through our account. We share tips and tricks, and it’s really supportive.” Over the past two years, his knowledge of different meat smoking techniques, communities and competitions around the world has blown up.
Because there are so many ways to smoke meat, we can’t talk about them all. (NO JON. WE CAN’T!) But to scratch the surface of how deep the love of meat goes in the Manning family, below is the process for each meat smoked on the day of the family gathering photographed in this Hustle feature.

“Mom always says food tastes best when it’s made with love. I believe that. The process helps the meat to come out right, but it’s the heart that motivates us to make something we all really want to sit down and eat together.”

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Follow @ManningTheQ on Instagram to experience the smoked meat obsession